Mmmm /OM/ELET/
yummy omelette

Use a relatively small pan, ~8 inch
Coat the bottom of it in ~ 1tbs of olive oil or butter (I use oil out of laziness)
Put it on medium (or just above medium) heat. Wait for the pan to heat up to that heat (you can prep other things while this is happening)
Crack open and whisk 2 eggs. If you want cheese, add it to this whisked mix
Cut up whatever veggies you wanna add (I add green onions and normal onions. Omlettes are basically a use for any leftover veggies you aren't gonna use. Prepare whatever)

Once the pan is ready, pour the egg in. It should coat the entire bottom of the pan and already start sizzling from cooking.

Using a spatula, ideally one of those 90 degree flipper ones if you have it, but any large flat spatula will do;
gently push at an edge of the egg inwards, and tilt the pan slightly - you're trying to get any remaining egg liquid on the top to fill in and under that area.
^ repeat this, gently pushing in areas and tiling the pan until there's no obvious flow of egg to fill shit in anymore. (its okay if the top is still a bit runny/wet, just not enough that you can move liquid around by tilting the pan)

Once that's done, use the spatula to push the egg from above down a bit, to ensure any air bubbles cook a bit too (you only need to do that for a couple seconds).
Add your veggies / extra ingredients to one half of the pan
Use your spatula to flip the other half of the egg over your veggies
Tilt the pan and use the help of your spatula to slide the omelette onto ur plate
add seasoning (I use garlic powder and pepper and paprika)